
The truth
has to hurt.

before it can

The truth is that

I was the common denominator in each of my relationships. 

The truth has to hurt before it can heal. – Arnitris Strong

I remember pacing the floor in the middle of the night, crying out “Where is my husband?” I had just ended a relationship that wasn’t fulfilling my needs. I knew I deserved better, but I held on hoping that he would wake up one day and realize the precious gem he had in me. He seemed to think that he was doing me a favor. But, I was tired. Tired of not seeing him for weeks at a time. Tired of the unanswered phone calls. Tired of the excuses. I was just tired. 

I took an assessment of my past relationships and noticed some patterns. The men were different, but the issues were all the same. There was another glaring similarity in these relationships- me. I had taught each of them how to treat me by what I allowed. I said I loved myself, but my words and my actions were not in alignment. It was time to do the work to become whole. 

The truth is that until you do the work to be whole, you will attract people, places and circumstances that will reflect those broken pieces of yourself back to you. Are you ready to heal your heart so that you can invite love in to stay? 

All relationships
are merely mirrors of
our relationship with self.

arnitris l. strong 

let's get to the heart of the matter...

Arnitris is a certified Christian relationship coach who uses her gift for speaking to the heart of the matter to support women as they heal their hearts.  She is a firm believer that when women come together and heal their hearts, they can create the lives, loves and legacies they desire. Her desire is to meet each woman where they are and equip them with the tools they need to design the life and love of their dreams. She will give you space to share your hearts’ desire, your past hurts and missteps and the grace to create a plan to make it a reality. 

The Blessed Dating Academy

The blessed dating academy was designed to support women who realize there is work to be done as they wait for their future husbands. THis MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT WOMEN AS THEY HEAL THEIR HEARTS IN A GROUP SETTING. experience the blessed dating academy for 7 days for only $7! monthly tuition is $67 thereafter. included in each membership: 

quarterly one-on-one girlfriend chats

(1) monthly live group coaching session

(1) Monthly virtual dating course 

access to library of courses

unlimited support

daily love notes

discounts on live events

discounts on girlfriend chats

pdf guides 

The Blessed Dating Experience

When you join Arnitris for individualized coaching, you receive support to work through her signature system- The Blessed Dating Experience. You will be guided through exercises to strengthen your heart muscles in each of these three areas: Attraction, Connection and Relation. Together, you will get to the heart of the issues that have been secretly sabotaging your dating efforts. individual coaching is available by application only. 

each phase of the blessed dating experience takes six weeks to complete & includes: 

(1) 90 minute one-on-one Jump start girlfriend session

(4) 45 minute girlfriend chats

(1) emergency girlfriend chat*

(4) weeks of unlimited support

(4) video lessons

(1) online course

(3) pdf guides


(4) weekly activities and emails 

(1) signature blessed dating experience favor bracelet

* the success in each phase of the blessed dating experience is contingent upon successful completion of the phase before it.